Common Carpet Deep Cleaning Mistakes

 In this blog entry, The expert New Jersey carpet cleaning team here at Carpetline will detail some of the top mistakes that people commonly make when attempting to deep clean their carpets.


Scrubbing and Agitating Stains

Scrubbing actually makes stains worse, as it rubs the color into your carpet fibers even deeper. This canmake the stain very difficult to get rid of, and weakens and potentially breaks carpet fibers. Contact the expert New Jersey carpet cleaning tea here at Carpetline for assistance in removing stains from your carpets.

Neglecting Vacuuming

Make sure to vacuum on a  regular basis to prevent dirt, grime, dust, and other particulates from accumulating inside your carpet fibers. This also removes friction caused by dirt particles, lowering the general level of wear that your carpet experienced between deep cleaning service.

Delaying Spill Absorption

Prevent staining by absorbing excess liquid as soon as possible. We recommend using a white paper towel or a white cotton cloth to do this. 

Using Too Much Water

Using too much water while you’re deep cleaning your carpets can cause your carpets to become soaking wet, leading to mold growth. If you ever sell mildew after cleaning your carpet, it’s likely due to this.

Renting Your Own Steam Cleaner

Renting your own steam cleaner to clean your carpet might seem like a good idea, but it’s actually not the case. Often, steam cleaners are very poorly maintained and difficult to use. They require applying carpet shampoo and detergent which might be basically impossible to remove from your carpet.

Ignoring the Possibility of Professional Deep Carpet Cleaning

The best way to make sure that your carpets are deeply and properly cleaned and that no cleaning substance residue is left behind is to have your carpets professionally deep cleaned without the use of intensive scrubbing, too much liquid, or harsh cleaning chemicals. Contact Carpetline for all of your New Jersey carpet cleaning needs.